Posted on March 29th 2016
Day 2 - Andorra Ski Trip, Report and Pictures

Last night was a fun-filled night starting with a well-deserved dinner in the restaurant.
A cake was then bought out for Tyller as a surprise birthday present. His face was a picture as we handed him over a card signed by everyone on the trip topping off a great day.
Then it was time for the days rewards. They went as following:
Best skier - Nico
Best boarder - James
Most improved - Josh
Wipeout of the day - Land (who skied through a group of primary school children but picked himself up unharmed)
Legend of the day - Isiah
We were then onto a very well planned quiz by Mrs Palmer. This was led by our award winners for the day and a very knowledgable staff team!
Mr May
[Thanks to Mr May and the team who are struggling with Andorran wi-fi to bring you these pictures!]