Contact Information & Map
For attendance (reporting a child’s absence or medical appointments): Please call 0208 299 5300, and press option 1, or email attendance@harrisdulwichboys.org.uk
For general enquiries: Please contact the reception office on 0208 299 5300 or email info@harrisdulwichboys.org.uk
To contact the Principal: Please email Ms Karen Forero, Principal’s PA on K.ForeroHernandez@harrisdulwichboys.org.uk
To contact SENCO: Please email Ms Katherine Price k.price@harrisdulwichboys.org.uk or Ms Chloe Dixon (Assoc. SENCO) c.dixon@harrisdulwichboys.org.uk
To contact the Chair of Governors: Please email Ms Jennifer Kirby, Clerk to Governors j.kirby@harrisdulwichboys.org.uk
To report safeguarding concerns: Please contact Our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mr David Stow, on 0208 299 5300 or email safeguarding@harrisdulwichboys.org.uk. If you have a safeguarding concern during any period the academy is closed, please call Southwark Children’s Social Care on 020 7525 1921, 020 7525 5000 (out of hours) or email MASH@southwark.gov.uk. If you think a child is in immediate danger or in the event of an emergency, please call 999.
You can expect all calls or emails to be responded to within 24 hours. You can download our Contacting the Academy Policy from the Key Information section.
Important information about visitors and lanyards.
Read more about accessing school premises. Please let us know if you need a paper copy of the information on this website.
Harris Boys' Academy East Dulwich,
Peckham Rye,
East Dulwich,
SE22 0AT
Telephone: 020 8299 5300
E-mail Address: info@harrisdulwichboys.org.uk
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