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We hosted a fantastic summer concert yesterday, organised with meticulous care and passion by the ever-dedicated Ms Bee.The event was a resounding success, showcasing the immense talent of students from Years 7-12 and a true celebration of our school's vibrant musical culture.


Harris Boys' Academy East Dulwich has scored a major win by clinching the 2024 EY Foundation Impact Award for Southern Education Partner.Announced yesterday, this award highlights the school's positive impact on the community in Southern England.


The 30th anniversary of the opening of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre in London was the occasion for 30 of our Year 8 students to attend a spectacular performance of Shakespeare's 'The Taming of the Shrew' at the theatre recently.


Harris Boys’ Academy East Dulwich is proud to have been awarded the Quality in Careers Standard, meaning that our careers programme meets all the gold-standard criteria for world-class advice and guidance.


Summer Showcase, 10th July, 6.30pm - Get Your Tickets!


Addressing smartphone addiction - headteachers of 17 Southwark secondary schools call on families to support a new joint approach to tackling the profoundly negative impact of Smartphones and Social Media on young people." Find out more


Our Student Council has been working on a group project with students from James Allen's Girls' School to organise a writing competition focused on . Find our more about our neurodiversity writing competition at


See our latest science experment with our Science Technician, Dr. Rudolf Van Koningsveld. This one is on convection...


Harris Dulwich Boys is pleased to announce a partnership with in support of their State School Sixth Form Cricket Programme. Details


Science experiments with a Science Technician. Experiment 1: metals reacting with oxygen. In this series, our Science Technician, Dr. Rudolf Van Koningsveld, RSciTech, will demonstrate experiments that are part of the Year 7 to Year 11 curriculum.


Delighted to welcome and his team into our academy this week to film for his latest book. Inspiring our students to develop their reading further.


It is with great pleasure that we can announce that our Science Technician, Rudolf Van Koningsveld, has been awarded The Registered Science Technician Award (RSciTech), a registered mark recognising excellence for technicians working in science education!


Year 11 students dazzled the examiner with their recent GCSE Component 2 performances, worth 20% of their overall grade.Performing two gripping extracts from 'Starlight Express', the students showcased months of hard work and dedication, leaving the examiner in awe.


Principal's Breakfast on Friday celebrated ten students nominated for 'doing the right thing all the time' this week by their teachers. Each week the winners receive a free breakfast, gift voucher and certificate


🎉Congratulations to both and on maintaining their Outstanding Ofsted judgments following recent inspections!Read more about their success here:


🎉Congratulations to both and on maintaining their Outstanding Ofsted judgments following recent inspections!Read more about their success here:


Very happy to be featured in this week along with following both our Ofsted 'Outstanding' ratings. We're incredibly proud of our staff and students and it's lovely to have our success celebrated!


Year 12 and 13 students were treated to a talk about economics (and careers) by Chief Economist Peter Arnold . "Peter's talk has encouraged me to pursue a career in economics," said Imran. "I look forward to learning more about the macroeconomic policies in my course."


We had fun last week celebrating our recent Ofsted 'Outstanding' Award with students. We were very proud of the way our students conducted themselves during the visit. They were a true credit to themselves, our Academy and their families.


Get your tickets for our latest school production, Bugsy Malone, 13th and 14th March 2024. Tickets available on ParentPay from 19th February. Don't miss!

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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Posted on June 27th 2019

Cyber Crime Careers Trip to Metropolitan Police

Our Computer and ICT Department recently organised a careers trip for our boys to the Metropolitan Police Cyber Unit, where they learned about cyber crime and how the police combat this type of crime, and also use cyber skills themselves in their police work.

The day was a fascinating insight into the many career opportunities in the world of computing and cyber skills.


What students said…

“It was really cool listening to the police talk about the real world of hackers and how they deal with them.” Ahmed, Year 9

“It was really fun because we go to learn something new and find out information about future careers.” Mohi, Year 9

“I got the chance to learn about something I have not before and overall it was a fun day, I really enjoyed doing the Lego set which was like a solving real cybercrime issue.” Mohamed,  Year 9

“Such a good experience for my current course. Practising how cyber specialists deal with real life situations was really fascinating.” Chernor, Year 9


Daniel, Year 9, reports...

Daniel Scott, Year 9, has written a great write-up about the day. Thanks, Daniel!

Everyone was excited. We left the school in high spirits around 11:50. We journeyed to the nearest bus stop and boarded a bus. We made it to Vauxhall by around 12:30 and with plenty of time to spare we entered the police station and collected our lanyards before marching through the station to what looked like a conference room.

We were greeted by two police officers, one a constable and another a detective. The constable talked a bit to us about cyber crime and what that covers. He talked to us about the dangers of cyber crime but also about some of the careers that revolve around some form of computing or cyber skills. He also explained the different types of cyber criminals from expert hackers to ‘script kiddies’ who simply utilise pre-fabricated malware to deal damage.


How police user cyber skills

The detective talked to us about the ways the police utilise cyber skills and he talked about the ways people could get into healthy, legal cyber activities and potentially create an amazing career for free. He also talked to us about the way the police and other companies prevent people, usually kids, getting in trouble with the law and instead help them use their amazing skills for good instead of for crime.

After that we had a another police officer that worked against cyber crime talk to us about a real case study about a man who taught himself these skills and instead of using them in a high-paying job he used them for crime and got himself a ten year prison sentence. This man was attempting to sell bank details that he acquired through illegal means online. He made an algorithm that would shove passwords and usernames into a login site and if he gained access he would harvest information on that person and sell it to them.

Cyber game

The day was finished off by playing a game. We were made in charge of a company that had no protection, whether that was from the looming threat of hackers or from criminals. This game taught us what companies face and what to prioritise when seeking to defend against cyber threats.

After that we left the station and headed back to school. It was an interesting and educational experience that benefited all in attendance.

Daniel, Year 9

Cyber 1